Weekly Update May 20th-May 24th

  Weekly Update
  Week of May 20, 2019
E Day
  We have music
  Homework: Review word list. Math bags come home today &
are due Thurs. The last book order is due tomorrow morning.
F Day
  We have music
  Homework:  Read and word work page.
Hot lunch orders for Friday's field trip are due tomorrow
A Day
   Late Start  9:25 Arrival  / Book Bonanza at the HS tonight!
   We have art, computer lab and our last library.
   Homework: Read, practice math facts, and play math game.
           Math bags are due back tomorrow.  
B Day
  We have gym.       $1.00 donation due for riding the carousel.
  Homework: Read and math sheet
C Day
  We have our field trip.
  We do not have homework but keep reading!

Word Work: Our class will be learning about words with the prefix un- this week.   Students will understand that adding the prefix un- to a base word changes the word’s meaning.  Examples include: unfair, unload, unhappy, and unafraid. Students should read their word lists, discuss the meaning of the words, and practice spelling words with similar syllable patterns.  Spelling City is ready for students to access the practice list for the week.

Book Bonanza:  May 22nd is our St. Joe Book Bonanza at the St. Joseph High School.  

Friday, May 24th 9:00 – 12:30
Our  field trip to the Silver Beach Carousel, touring historical sites on the bluff, and watching the Memorial Day Parade is this coming Friday.  The trip will begin at 9:00 a.m. at the carousel and conclude after the parade at approximately 12:30 p.m. A $1.00 donation for 2 rides on the carousel would be appreciated by Thursday, May 23rd.  All students need a drink and a sack lunch.  School sack lunch forms must be turned in by May 22nd.  

**PARENTS ARE WELCOME to attend both of our field trips.  We ask no sibling attend since
this is a special time for our second grade students to learn about our community.
**If you plan on chaperoning, volunteer forms must be on file and processed before the trip.
Please allow at least a week for processing. You may pick up forms in the office or call the
office (926-3700) to have forms sent home with your child.  Thank you

Upcoming Events
Late Start
Book Bonanza
2nd grade field trip to downtown and carousel 9-1
Memorial Day-No School
Walking Field Trip to Kiwanis Park
Lincoln Family Picnic 5pm
Half Day School-Dismissal at 12:05
Last Day of School.  Half Day-Dismissal at 12:05


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