Weekly Update for May 13th-17th
Week of May 13, 2019
F Day
We have music
Homework: Complete Math Center Practice Sheet and review
word list. Math bags come home today & are due Thurs.
A Day
We have art, library, and music
Homework: Read, practice math facts, and play math game.
B Day
Late Start 9:25 Arrival
We have gym.
Homework: Read, practice math facts, and play math game.
Math bags are due back tomorrow.
C Day
We have gym and art
Homework: Read and complete math sheet
D Day
We have music
We do not have homework but keep reading!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I am so incredibly humbled and grateful for the amazing amount of recognition during Teacher's Appreciation week. The notes, donations, and gifts were so generous and kind. I don't feel like I can adequately express how thankful I am to all of you! I absolutely love my job and my students so much that each day working with them is gratifying enough. Thank you for going above and beyond to make it a wonderful week!!
Word Work: Our class will be learning about comparative words this week. Our pattern will include identifying the proper way to spell comparative and superlative words. Examples include: lessor, busiest, slower, and faster. Students should read their word lists, discuss the meaning of the words, and practice spelling words with similar syllable patterns. Spelling City is ready for students to access the practice list for the week.
Friday Field Trip Volunteers: Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on our field trip to the Heritage Museum on Friday. I hope you enjoyed the trip. Your time and help with the children is greatly appreciated. See you in 2 weeks for the next round of fun!
Upcoming Events
Late Start
Late Start
Book Bonanza
2nd grade field trip to downtown and carousel 9-1
Memorial Day-No School
Walking Field Trip to Kiwanis Park
Lincoln Family Picnic 5pm
Half Day School-Dismissal at 12:05
Last Day of School. Half Day-Dismissal at 12:05
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