Please Read

This is last week's Weekly Update. My apologies for not posting it. I wrote it before leaving for Spring Break and apparently forgot to make it available to you. I hope you get a chance to read it as it actually had a number of updates. Thank you for your understanding!

  Weekly Update
   Week of April 8, 2019
E Day
   We have
   Homework: Complete Math Center Practice Sheet and review
   word list.
 F Day
   We have
  Homework:  Complete word sheet
 A Day
   We have       
  Homework: Complete math sheet
  B Day
   We have
  Homework: Read for 15 min and make sure your reading log
   is up to date.
  C Day
   We have.     
   We do not have homework but keep reading!

Word Work: Our class will be revisiting contractions this week.  Some words that are
contractions include it’s, here’s, shouldn’t, they’re, and I’ll.   Students should read their word
lists, discuss the meaning of the words, and practice spelling words with similar syllable
patterns. Spelling City is ready for students to access the practice list for the week.

The Home Stretch: This week’s newsletter is longer than usual because we are now in the home stretch to summer and there is so much to finish.  Below are some key areas.

Lexia:  The children are doing a great job of getting their minutes in each week.  Depending on their level they have anywhere from a 0-60 minute requirement.  At the beginning of the year they took the placement test which showed what level of a reader they were.  If they have been getting in their minutes, they should accomplish at least a year’s worth of growth by June.    All of the strategies they learn in Lexia make them better readers. Ultimately all students would be nearing the end of 2nd grade curriculum or be into the 3rd grade curriculum  by the end of the year. Remember that Lexia is something they can also be working on over the summer. This is useful so that when they take their third grade placement test, they don’t experience as great of a slide.  

Math:  Before spring break, we were working on carrying.  Now for the next two weeks we will work on the traditional method of borrowing

Math Bags:  Starting on Monday, April 8th, your student will be bringing home a math bag and an assigned game.  The bags go home on Monday and are due back on Friday. Inside is a signature sheet and the game. Please play the game at least one time with your child and sign the game sheet to confirm you played.  These games are a fun way to support what we are learning in school. Thank you for playing.

Read, Read, Read:   Now that reading month is over we will shift our focus to Reading Counts.   This is an online test for the books they have read. Knowledge of how to use this program prepares them for third grade where  reading counts points are part of their grade. This online test is only available during school hours so it is not something they can do at home.    However please keep encouraging RAZ reading which also checks comprehension and other reading skills with a test at the end of each book.

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