Weekly Update Feb 4th-Feb 8th

  Weekly Update
    Week of February 4, 2019
A Day
   We have art, library, and computer lab
   Homework: Complete Math Center Practice Sheet and review
         word list.
B Day
   We have gym
   Homework:  Complete word sheet
   C Day
   We have a Late Start, gym, and art.
   Homework: Complete math sheet
   D Day
   We have music.
   Homework: Read for 15 min and make sure your reading log is
up to date.
   E Day
   We have music.
   We do not have homework.  Remember to read this weekend.
Word Work: Our class will be learning about the vowel diphthong /ou/ syllable patterns this week. Our syllyable pattern makes the sound as in brow, aloud, and discount. Students should read their word lists, discuss the meaning of the words, and practice spelling words with similar syllable patterns. Spelling City is ready for students to access the practice list for the week.

Valentine's Day Party
: Our party will be from 2:15-3:15 on Thursday, February 14th.  More information about it will be available soon.   One of the biggest questions usually concerns Valentine Boxes.  While students do not have to bring in a card collection box, they may do so if they wish  Boxes may be made from tissue boxes, shoe boxes, cereal boxes, or other ideas you may have.  If your child does not bring in a collection box, they will be invited to put together a Valentine envelope during their recess time on the 13th.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Upcoming Events
Talent Show at 2:30pm and 6:00pm
Late Start.  School begins at 9:25
1st Grade Program for students at 8:50am
Late Start.  School begins at 9:25 / Count Day
Valentine’s Party
Late Start.  School begins at 9:25
Half Day School-Y5/K-12
Late Start.  School begins at 9:25


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