Weekly Update Nov. 19th-21st

Weekly Update
November 19, 2018
A Day
We have art, and library. Scholastic Book Order Due
Homework: Do math fact practice sheet and read/ explain the
syllable pattern on your word list.
B Day
We have gym.
1:30 - Mr. Hubble reads to the second grade classes.
Homework: Complete the math concept page.
C Day
We have art and gym. Half-Day-Dismissal at 12:05 p.m. Homework: No Homework

Happy Thanksgiving
Keep reading!

No School - Have a great break.
Word Work: Our class will continue to practice the long i digraph syllable pattern
this week and next week.  Words that follow this pattern include fright, lie, and sigh. Spelling
City is ready for students to practice the long i digraph word list.

PTO Thanksgiving Luncheon: Thank you so much to all our wonderful parents, grandparents,
and friends who served us at our Thanksgiving Luncheon.  It was delicious.
Second Grade Music Program:  Our 2nd grade music program which will be on  
November 27th a 8:50 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Students should arrive to their classrooms at 5:45 p.m.
for the evening performance.  Parents and friends may find a seat in the gymnasium. We look forward
to performing for you.

Scholastic Book Order:  Book order forms were sent home this past week.  I will be
placing a November / December book order Monday, November 19th.  Books make wonderful
holiday gifts and I would be happy to keep book orders a surprise by making special pick up
arrangements for you. If you choose this option, please email, call, or send a note letting me
know you would like your book order to be a gift and I will contact you when the order arrives
to arrange pick up times.  Thank you

Upcoming Dates
2nd grade music program @ 6:00 PM
Late Start
Lincoln Bear Credit Union Open 8 - 8:30 a.m.
Late Start


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